BodySmart  |  Benefits

Why is BodySmart Important?

BodySmart may be one of the most taken-for-granted parts of life. You perform a wide variety complex tasks in your daily lives, usually without giving them a second thought.

You cross the street and are not struck by oncoming cars. When an object is thrown to you, you instinctively catch it or duck to avoid being hit by it. Your fingers “know” our telephone calling number or a computer keyboard.

Think about how often people accidentally hurt themselves when picking up a heavy object or walking on an icy sidewalk simply because they are unaware of how the body works and moves.

Some physical movements are carefully and methodically learned through careful and repeated practice. Other movements seem to be automatic, but they were at one time not so easy.

Reflect on your own experience of improving the functioning of your body. What physical skills have you taught yourself to perform? Can you remember the physical skills you had to acquire to become a driver or to perform your favorite sport?

Once we have carefully learned these things, many of them become almost unconscious or second nature to us. Once the body learns something is rarely forgets even though the mind may not remember how to do it.

The BENEFITS of awakening and developing your BodySmart are many and include at least the following:

• You’ll improve over-all functioning of your body and your physical movements so you can present yourself to other people with grace and power.

• You’ll learn how to “read” a other's body language and make necessary adjustments in your communication with them.

• You’ll gain a greater awareness of your own "body language" and how to use your body to become a better communicator with other people.

• You’ll discover your innate abilities to train the body to "multitrack" or to perform a variety of tasks at the same time.

• You’ll gain an awareness of how to use your body to reduce stress in all dimensions of your life.

Career Smarts
Professionals who use a lot of BodySmart include gymnasts, physical therapists, models, mechanics, choreographers, actors, recreation directors, craftspersons, athletes, inventors, builders, dancers, circus artists, bodybuilders, doctors, nurses, exercise instructors, sports coaches, and law enforcement personnel.

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