SoundSmart  |  Benefits

Why is SoundSmart Important?

We know many things by simply listening to the sounds around us. Think what you can tell about the weather by listening to the what is happening outside – the howling wind, the pitter patter of rain, the sudden clap of thunder.

When you are talking with another person, or listening to others converse, think about how much you can learn by simply listening the tone and pitch of their voice and the rhythm patterns of their speech. We can tell when they are happy or in a joyful state of being. We can tell when they are “up tight” or angry, when they are relaxed and comfortable, and when they are very excited about they are sharing.

You can tell if something is wrong with your car, even if you don’t know what it is. Can you tell who is approaching you by listening to sound of their footsteps? Or maybe, if you are a parent, you can tell who is at home in your house and what they are doing just by the sounds of their movements and/or activities.

From a neurological perspective, SoundSmart is the first of our intelligences to develop. Much of this intelligence is patterned in our brains long before we are actually born!

Think for a moment about the world of sound and rhythm in which we are immersed while still in the womb, our mother’s heartbeat, to voices in the external world, to a wide range of sounds from the environment outside.

The development of SoundSmart in people who are profoundly deaf is fascinating. Often their capacities to “hear” through vibrational patterns has developed to very high levels.

Beyond hearing, your auditory organs serve at least other two critical functions in your life: they provide you with your sense of balance and also with your sense of laterality and spatiality, namely time-space coordination

The BENEFITS of awakening and developing your SoundSmart are many and include at least the following:

• You'll gain knowledge of how to lower stress in your life through music and rhythm.

• You’ll gain knowledge of how to use sound to create a greater receptiveness for your training, coaching, and mentoring messages.

• You’ll learn how music, rhythm, and sound can be used to dramatically enhance and promote greater creativity in yourself and others.

• You’ll discover how music, rhythm, and sound can tap your and others hidden capacities for learning and for remembering information.

• You’ll learn how to use music, rhythm, and sound to shift moods of anyone you’re training to more optimal states of being for your training presentation.

• You’ll gain knowledge of how to use music and sound to deepen personal relationships with others

Career Smarts
Professionals who use SoundSmart include music therapists, advertising professionals, motion picture soundtrack creators, music teachers, piano tuners, music studio directors and recorders, song writers, music performers, conductors, sound engineers, and music copyists.

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