IMAGESMART  |  Benefits

Why is ImageSmart Important?

This way of knowing is one of the first which we acquire. It was our first survival system as a species. Therefore it can be said that ImageSmart is the first language of the brain.

The brain naturally thinks in images and pictures before it even has words to attach to them. Before we develop language to talk about the various objects, colors, shapes, and places which make up the external world of our daily lives, we have pictures in our heads of these things.

You could no more stop your brain from visualizing than you could your lungs from taking in oxygen! And yet often, due to lack of regular exercising and use of these capacities, they are not a strong as they could be.

In ancient times native peoples of almost every culture used these mental pictures to communicate through varieties of hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, and paintings on cave walls.

An infant knows the faces of those involved in his/her life. They recognize a bottle or a favorite toy because they have a mental representation of these objects as well as imaginal associations and experiences with them.

In your mind’s eye can you see the place where you grew up? Can you get a picture of where your car is parked? Can you see the faces of your children, spouse, or someone who is very close to you?

The BENEFITS of awakening and developing your ImageSmart are many and include at least the following:

• You'll be able to visualize what you want to have happen in your life and "see" how to make it happen

• You'll gain the ability to express your ideas and make them clearer through visual representation.

• You'll discover how to tap the brain's natural and innate abilities to think in images and how to use this to remember important information (our brains think in images and pictures before we have words!).

• You'll learn processes to to teach yourself and others to “think outside the box”.

• You'll discover how to access your own deep sources of inner wisdom and guidance and how to teach this process to others.

Career Smarts
Professionals who use high degrees of ImageSmart include interior decorators, graphic design artists, cartographers, photographers, architects, airline pilots, surgeons, painters, sculptors, chefs (their food presentations!), quilters, and needlepoint embroiderers, landscapers, theater set designers, professional drivers, cinematographers, book illustrators, tour guides, and jewelry and clothing designers.

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