MiQ ImageSmart MiQ LogicSmart MiQ BodySmart MiQ NatureSmart MiQ SoundSmart MiQ WordSmart MiQ PeopleSmart MiQ SelfSmart

IMAGESMART  |  Hear David: ImageSmart Intro

ImageSmart (visual-spatial intelligence)

In our society we often hear the expression that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” We often use the cliché “Seeing is believing.”

We have become a people who love the visual media. We rely on television to provide us with everything from the evening news, to a vast array of entertainment possibilities (including “live” concerts of our favorite performers, detective shows, situation comedies, soap operas, and travel logs).

We have shopping channels which provide us with opportunities to purchase everything from clothes, food, and other daily necessities to a wide variety of so-called “luxury items” including diamond rings, food processors, audiovisual electronic equipment, vacations, computerized lawn mowers, and automobiles.

TV ratings confirm that we love opportunities to see our favorite stars and other famous people interviewed on various talk shows and human interest specials.

How many of the following are true for you?

You tend to think in images and pictures when you’re reading, talking with someone else, or listening to a speech.

You are very aware of objects, shapes, colors, textures, and patterns in the environment around you.

You like to draw, paint, make interesting designs and patterns, and work with clay, colored markers, construction paper, and fabric.

You love to work jigsaw puzzles, read maps, and find your way around new places.

You have definite opinions about colors that go together well, textures that are appropriate and pleasing, and how a room should be decorated.

You are excellent at performing tasks that require “seeing with the mind’s eyes”, such as visualizing, pretending, imagining, and forming mental images.

Your hobbies include painting, photography, needle pointing, quilting, sculpting, or origami.

You like art and have interesting art pieces in your home and office.

There are two aspects to your ImageSmart – the visual side and the spatial side. The visual side deals with everything you see: all conceivable shapes, specific patterns and designs (both regular and irregular), concrete and abstract images, and the entire spectrum of color and texture.

What is more, all of these can and do exist not only in the real, concrete, external world (which you observe with your physical eyes), but also in the deep recesses of your imagination where you see with your “mind’s eyes” including your capacities to visualize and dream about the possible, to enter worlds of fantasy, to go on imaginary journeys to imaginary places, and to create or invent things which have never been before.

The other side ImageSmart is spatial where you deal with the relationships and placement of objects in the space-time continuum. Thus, where one object is in relation to another is at the heart of this way of knowing. This includes directionality; namely, knowing where you are in relation to objects that inhabit the space and environment in which you are living, and being able to successfully move from one place to another.